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Band List
Bands featured in this year's event are listed below with links to their websites or social media page.
Mean Jake
A fixture in the area, Mean Jake has maintained their popularity by presenting a tight, rock-driven sound and a playlist that appeals to everyone. Described as, "..... a rock 'n roll band playing some blues, some country, some surprises, and you know....... Mean."

Stone Theory
From an interview last year: "With inspirations such as The Beatles, Rush, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix and more, we strive to bring back a vintage rock and roll sound.

Fall Hazard
"Racine's premier cover band." That says it all.

3 Floors Up
Rock and roll from an eclectic group of musicians.

A new group on the scene.

Stephen Hull
A young man that wakes up every morning with the blues, and he knows what to do with them. He shares them. He sings and plays them. Once he starts, you'll have the blues, too.

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